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2018-05-14 本文已影响 894人  未知



  Sisters who plan to do test tubes in Suzhou will ask“Which test tube baby is good”、“Where can I do a third-generation test tube baby?”and many more,At present, there is only the Suzhou City Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital to be the third generation.,Let's take a specific understanding through this article.!


  How much is Suzhou to do test tube babies?

  First, talk about Suzhou to do test tube babies,In fact, for most ordinary families,It is actually a high cost that the test tube baby needs.。


Request from the hospital needs to do test tubes,A successful cost is probably3All about。


  Take a detailed thing to share from sisters,Suzhou's various reproductive centers may be slightly different,But it is basically not too ignorant,Generally3Hover。


The three generations of test tubes are more expensive.,Many genetic test screenings such as genetic testing tube,A successful cost8All about。


  These costs mentioned above are just a successful cost.,But if a transplant is not successful,So subsequent transplantation,Conditioning, etc., even re-promoting the egg,The medical expenses during this repeated period will increase,Some may spend more than ten thousand or even twenty thousands of don't wait,This is not rare in test tube infant patients.。


  Su Da attached to the hospital test tube baby fees

  Test tube infant technology is not difficult,Surgery is also very simple,Minimally invasive surgery,Aged38Within the age,Ovarian function is normal,The uterine environment is still in general.,In fact, once successful or2Success is still very easy。


So children still have to be good early.,Don't drag,The bigger the age,The greater the risk。



  Suzhou City Hospital is a third-generation test tube costs like5-6First time,The cost of attaching the hospital is not big.,In fact, if the feism is very good, High success rate, Cost low。


  Where can I do test tube babies?

  As of2016year12moon31day,Suzhou has approved a total of medical institutions to carry out human aided reproductive technology.3Family,Among them, there is only the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.、Suzhou City Hospital can carry out the first、second、Third generation test tube baby,The Second Hospital of Suzhou University can only do artificial inseation。

  Test tube baby success rate

  Supreme baby:My baby has read the kindergarten.,I am trying to test tube babies in the First People's Hospital of Su Da.,The reproductive department here is very good.,Successful,The cost is not expensive,The physician is more serious。

  Breeze:Su Da is fully affiliated with a hospital,Many of the success of last year,Test tube is too consumed,Going to the field is more tired,It is better to leave home,After all, the physical and mental easiness is also conducive to pregnancy.。

  Forefather:Suzhou to do test tube success rate, don't know,Familiar with the Shanghai。Benevolence is very good,I have been going to enter the cycle.,I didn't expect to enter the week, I have been successful, and I have succeeded.。Nine hospitals are also a lot,But it is not easy to see the attending doctor,Many times, I am an assistant,Collective, the service attitude is best,But the price is also the most expensive。



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